
Buffalo Holiday DJ –  Johnny K Sound System can make many events memorable for both you and your guests. A few of our most popular parties include:

Holiday Parties

Buffalo DJ Johnny K has extensive experience with holiday parties. We maintain a great selection of music appropriate to those occasions. These include Valentine’s Day dances full of romance; St. Patrick’s Day with the best of Ireland; Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day picnics replete with patriotic splendor and fun oldies; Halloween parties with spooky lighting, music and costume contests; and Buffalo Holiday DJ company Christmas/Holiday parties full of the joy and festivity of the season. New Years Eve package available!

Buffalo Holiday DJ

Buffalo Holiday DJ Johnny K

Holiday company and family parties are more popular than ever in the WNY area.  Too busy in December???  Consider a January “Holiday Celebration” for your next company or family gathering!  This is great for those who are busy working the busiest time of year.  January parties are popular with corporate and hospitality industries!

Make your company an “Employee Appreciation Celebration”.  This involves all employees in a diverse work / social environment.  Nobody is left out when this is the approach taken in a non-religious setting.  Fun music selections can be played instead of traditional Christmas music in this situation, ensuring that everyone is included.

Dyngus Day Bufalo, NY 2019  and 2020 are available.  Three time slots are available on Dyngus Day…Morning, afternoon and evening.  3 Hour package available at ($395.00 Morning), ($495 Afternoon) and ($595 evening)  Deposit required and time slots to be determined, by DJ Johnny K.  Every effort will be made to accommodate times for your event.  Call (716) 472-9898

(716) 472-9898 to book your show today!

September 11, 2016

DJ Johnny -  Thank you again for being a big part of the fun our guests had at the wedding!